Super Snail

At the bottom of the well, it is destined to see only the sky at the wellhead. However, the starting point only affects the process of reaching your peak and does not determine the height you reach.


A succinct hexo theme.

hexo-theme-snailView Hexo-Theme-Snail Sources On Github ➾ Light theme preview Dark theme preview Star theme preview Hexo-theme-snail is a succinct hexo theme. It has two colors, light an......

How Browsers Work

Behind the scenes of modern web browsers.

This comprehensive primer on the internal operations of WebKit and Gecko is the result of much research done by Israeli developer Tali Garsiel. Over a few years, she reviewed all the published data......

BFS Introduction

Breadth-first search is one of the most commonly used algorithms.

宽度优先搜索(BFS,Breadth-First Search)与深度优先搜索类似,从某个状态出发搜索所有可以到达的状态。 与深度优先搜索的不同之处在于搜索的顺序,宽度优先搜索总是先搜索距离初始状态近的状态。也就是说,它是按照开始状态 -> 只需一次转移就可以达到的所有状态 -> 只需两次转移就可以达到的所有状态 -> … … 这样的顺序进行搜索。对于同一个状态,宽度搜索只......

DFS Introduction

Depth-first search is one of the most commonly used algorithms.

DFS 是搜索的手段之一。它从某个状态开始,不断地转移状态直到无法转移,然后回退到前一步的状态,继续转移到其他状态,如此不断重复,直到找到最终的解为止。 Question Analysis从任意的 W 开始,不停地把临接的部分用 ‘ . ’ 代替。1次 DFS 后与初始的这个 W 连接的所有 W 就都被替换成了 ‘ . ’ ,因此直到图中不再存在 W 为止,总共进行 DFS 的次数就是答案了......

HTML Special Characters

It mainly includes mathematical symbols, Greek letters, shapes, punctuation and other symbols.

HTML(HyperText Markup Language)全称为超文本标记语言,是一种标识性的语言。有时候在写 HTML 的时候,我们会用到特殊的符号,这些符号没法直接通过键盘打出来。现将这些特殊符号整理如下,系统对大家有帮助。下面的内容可能不全,笔者会逐渐补充完整。 下面所有的符号为了方便省略了分号,在使用的过程中需要在编码的后面加 ;,这样才能正确显示。 箭头类 符号 HTML......

Shut Down Windows

A software for automatic shutdown of windows system.

现在的生活离不开电脑,很多时候我们都需要电脑定时关机,笔者也不例外,对于懂 DOS 命令的人来说直接使用 shutdown 命令就可以解决这个问题,但是每次输入这个命令有点烦,所以笔者为了方便写了一个简易的自动关机的程序,现分享出来,内容比较简单,其实就是用了 DOS 命令。 界面没有进行美化,有点丑,如果你觉得不好看的话可以自己写一个好看的界面,有什么问题欢迎到评论区留言。 代码展示主要代......

Mathjax Tutorial

A JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers.

MathJax™ uses CSS with web fonts or SVG, instead of bitmap images or Flash, so equations scale with surrounding text at all zoom levels. MathJax is highly modular on input and output. Use MathML, T......

Hexo Configuration

A fast, simple & powerful blog framework.

Incredible generating speed powered by Node.js. Hundreds of files take only seconds to build. All features of GitHub Flavored Markdown are supported, including most Octopress plugins. You only need......

The Usage of Git

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase with features like cheap local branching, conven......

Usage of Vim

Vim is a well-known powerful, highly customizable text editor.

Vim is a well-known powerful and highly customizable text editor, which is loved by many developers. But the use of vim is still a bit difficult, there are many shortcuts and commands to remember. ......